If you wonder why this page exist: I always wanted more than one watchlist, so I could sort them by categories or whatever. If you click on "Related changes" to your left, you get a site which shows every recent edits made for the articles that are linked from this article. I found this lately, which uses this feature have a small watchlist over the article the user created. I use this method to create a few sub-watchlists for me to keep my overview of things. :-)
- Jack BlackTalk:Jack Black
- Orlando BloomTalk:Orlando Bloom
- David BowieTalk:David Bowie
- John CarmackTalk:John Carmack
- Noam ChomskyTalk:Noam Chomsky
- M. C. EscherTalk:M. C. Escher
- Michael J. FoxTalk:Michael J. Fox
- Steve GallacciTalk:Steve Gallacci
- Kyle GassTalk:Kyle Gass
- Whoopi GoldbergTalk:Whoopi Goldberg
- Jeff GoldblumTalk:Jeff Goldblum
- Matt GroeningTalk:Matt Groening
- Nina HagenTalk:Nina Hagen
- Peter JacksonTalk:Peter Jackson
- Anton LaVeyTalk:Anton LaVey
- Christopher LeeTalk:Christopher Lee
- Mana (Musician)Talk:Mana (Musician)
- Marilyn Manson (person)Talk:Marilyn Manson (person)
- Ian McKellenTalk:Ian McKellen
- Sid MeierTalk:Sid Meier
- Jason MewesTalk:Jason Mewes
- Reinhard MeyTalk:Reinhard Mey
- Peter MolyneuxTalk:Peter Molyneux
- Michael MooreTalk:Michael Moore
- Viggo MortensenTalk:Viggo Mortensen
- Mike Myers (actor)Talk:Mike Myers (actor)
- Merhan Karimi NasseriTalk:Merhan Karimi Nasseri
- Jack NicholsonTalk:Jack Nicholson
- Leonard NimoyTalk:Leonard Nimoy
- Alan RickmanTalk:Alan Rickman
- John RomeroTalk:John Romero
- Larry SangerTalk:Larry Sanger
- Chris SawyerTalk:Chris Sawyer
- Andy SerkisTalk:Andy Serkis
- Kevin SmithTalk:Kevin Smith (filmmaker)
- Axel SpringerTalk:Axel Springer
- Patrick StewartTalk:Patrick Stewart
- Ben StillerTalk:Ben Stiller
- Quentin TarantinoTalk:Quentin Tarantino
- Christopher TolkienTalk:Christopher Tolkien
- J. R. R. TolkienTalk:J. R. R. Tolkien
- John TravoltaTalk:John Travolta
- Otto WaalkesTalk:Otto Waalkes
- Wachowski brothersTalk:Wachowski brothers
- Christopher WalkenTalk:Christopher Walken
- Günter WallraffTalk:Günter Wallraff
- Hugo WeavingTalk:Hugo Weaving
- Owen WilsonTalk:Owen Wilson
- Ludwig WittgensteinTalk:Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Will WrightTalk:Will Wright (game designer)