[edit]A quick list of stuff.
- Wiki#: 99950
- Real Name: Lear Landau
- Location and place of birth: Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Date of birth: March 16, 1987 (17 years old).
- Occupation: Part-time photo lab worker.
- Education: Up to 10th grade - Partly pushout and partly dropout.
- Personality traits: Self-proclaimed Gamer, Megalomaniac.
- For: Dictablanda, Genetic Engineering and Artificial selection as a way to speed-up evolution in everything (especially Humans), forming a federation of the Middle Eastern states.
- Against: Feminazism, Vegetarianism ("Animals were made so Humans eat them."), pets, rurality, Idiotism.
Current Projects
[edit]Every once in a while I come up with an idea for a bombastic project (some not too bombastic) that there's no way will ever go further than crude sketches in my mind or Notepad. Some of those that I still remmember and a vague information about them is here.
Starting a new Nation
[edit]I think that the first time I actually thought about it was back in 2001 \ 2002. The idea was a democratic nation in some place in north-Western Europe, somewhere on the North Sea. The nation would (of course) be mostly urbanic, with only a few km²s for agriculture and roads to connect with neighboring countries.
The idea popped up again sometime at late-2004. I tried finding a good geographical location using the CIA Factbook which only firmed my belief that there's not even a tiny piece of land on Earth that doesn't belong to anyone and is not barren \ full of nuclear waste thanks to the countless nuclear tests performed by those Nuclear powers that really don't care. Finding a place that is conquerable using a small (or nonexistant) army of supporters was impossible too, because all the good places are taken by big countries.
The current idea is a nation that isn't on land, ruled by me in a form of a Dictablanda. The location is decided, exact actions that need to be done to make it a completely self-sustaining nation are planned, and the only thing that is left is funding.
Can't execute because: Lack of funding.