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Thutmose II

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Thutmose II was the fourth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, and his reign is generally dated from 1493 to 1479 BC (Low Chronology). Little is known about him and he is overshadowed by his father Thutmose I, half-sister and wife Hatshepsut, and son Thutmose III. He died around the age of 30 and his body was found in the Deir el-Bahri Cache above the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut.



The name Thutmose II is read as Thutmosis or Tuthmosis II, Thothmes in older history works in Latinized Greek, and derives from Ancient Egyptian: /ḏḥwty.ms/ Djehutymes, meaning "Thoth is born".

Thutmose II was the son of Thutmose I and his minor wife, Mutnofret, who was a daughter of Ahmose I.[2] He was, therefore, a lesser son of Thutmose I and chose to marry his fully royal half-sister, Hatshepsut, in order to secure his kingship. While he successfully put down rebellions in Nubia and the Levant and defeated a group of nomadic Bedouins, these campaigns were specifically carried out by the king's Generals, and not by Thutmose II himself. This is often interpreted as evidence that Thutmose II was still a minor at his accession. Thutmose II fathered Neferure with Hatshepsut, as well as a male heir, the famous Thutmose III, by a lesser wife named Iset before his death.[citation needed]

Some archaeologists believe that Hatshepsut was the real power behind the throne during Thutmose II's rule because of the similar domestic and foreign policies that were later pursued under her reign and because of her claim that she was her father's intended heir. She is depicted in several raised relief scenes from a Karnak gateway dating to Thutmose II's reign both together with her husband and alone.[3] She later had herself crowned Pharaoh several years into the rule of her husband's young successor Thutmose III; this is confirmed by the fact that "the queen's agents actually replaced the king's name in a few places with her own cartouches" on the gateway.[4]



Dates and length of reign


The Epitome by Manetho, refers to Thutmose II as "Chebron" and credits this ruler with a reign of 13 years. The Greek name may reflect a version of the prenomen, Aakheperenre. Egyptologists debate if Thutmose II had a short or long reign. Some suggest a short reign of three years, based on his highest attested date is Year 1, II Akhet day 8 stele.[5] There are only a small number of surviving documents, and a minimal amount of scarabs attested to this king.

It is still possible to estimate when Thutmose II's reign would have begun by means of a heliacal rise of Sothis in Amenhotep I's reign, which would give him a reign from 1493 to 1479 BC,[6] although uncertainty about how to interpret the rise also permits a date from 1513 to 1499 BC,[7] and uncertainty about how long Thutmose I ruled could also potentially place his reign several years earlier still. Nonetheless, scholars generally assign him a reign from 1493 or 1492 to 1479.[6][8]

Argument for a short reign

Aakheperenre, the praenomen of Thutmose II, temple of Hatshepsut, Luxor.

Ineni, who was already aged by the start of Thutmose II's reign, lived through this ruler's entire reign into that of Hatshepsut.[9] In addition, Thutmose II is poorly attested in the monumental record and in the contemporary tomb autobiographies of New Kingdom officials. A clear count of monuments from his rule, which is the principal tool for estimating a king's reign when dated documents are not available, is nearly impossible because Hatshepsut usurped most of his monuments, and Thutmose III in turn reinscribed Thutmose II's name indiscriminately over other monuments.[10] However, apart from several surviving blocks of buildings erected by the king at Semna, Kumma, and Elephantine, Thutmose II's only major monument consists of a limestone gateway at Karnak that once lay at the front of the Fourth Pylon's forecourt. Even this monument was not completed in Thutmose II's reign but in the reign of his son Thutmose III, which hints at "the nearly ephemeral nature of Thutmose II's reign".[11] The gateway was later dismantled and its building blocks incorporated into the foundation of the Third Pylon by Amenhotep III.[4]

In 1987, Luc Gabolde published an important study that statistically compared the number of surviving scarabs found under Thutmose I, Thutmose II and Hatshepsut.[12] While monuments can be usurped, scarabs are so small and comparatively insignificant that altering their names would be impractical and without profit; hence, they provide a far better insight into this period. Hatshepsut's reign is believed to have lasted for 21 years and 9 months. Gabolde highlighted, in his analysis, the consistently small number of surviving scarabs known for Thutmose II compared to Thutmose I and Hatshepsut respectively; for instance, Flinders Petrie's older study of scarab seals noted 86 seals for Thutmose I, 19 seals for Thutmose II and 149 seals for Hatshepsut while more recent studies by Jaeger estimate a total of 241 seals for Thutmose I, 463 seals for Hatshepsut and only 65 seals for Thutmose II.[13] Hence, unless there was an abnormally low number of scarabs produced under Thutmose II, this would indicate that the king's reign was rather short-lived. On this basis, Gabolde estimated Thutmose I and II's reigns to be approximately 11 and 3 full years, respectively. Consequently, the reign length of Thutmose II has been a much debated subject among Egyptologists with little consensus given the small number of surviving documents for his reign.

Argument for a long reign

Thutmose II in front of an offering table. From the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Egypt. Neues Museum, Berlin

Thutmose's reign is still traditionally given as 13 or 14 years. Although Ineni's autobiography can be interpreted to say that Thutmose reigned only a short time, it also calls Thutmose II a "hawk in the nest", indicating that he was perhaps a child when he assumed the throne.[9] Since he lived long enough to father two children—Neferure and Thutmose III—this suggests that he may have had a longer reign of 13 years in order to reach adulthood and start a family. The German Egyptologist, J. Von Beckerath, uses this line of argument to support the case of a 13-year reign for Thutmose II.[14][page needed] Alan Gardiner noted that at one point a monument had been identified by Georges Daressy in 1900,[15] dated to Thutmose's 18th year, although its precise location has not been identified.[16] This inscription is now usually attributed to Hatshepsut, who certainly did have an 18th year. Von Beckerath observes that a Year 18 date appears in a fragmentary inscription of an Egyptian official and notes that the date likely refers to Hatshepsut's prenomen Maatkare, which had been altered from Aakheperenre Thutmose II, with the reference to the deceased Thutmose II being removed. There is also the curious fact that Hatshepsut celebrated her Sed Jubilee in her Year 16, which von Beckerath believes occurred 30 years after the death of Thutmose I, her father, who was the main source of her claim to power. This would create a gap of 13 to 14 years where Thutmose II's reign would fit in between Hatshepsut and Thutmose I's rule.[17] Von Beckerath additionally stresses that Egyptologists have no conclusive criteria to statistically evaluate the reign length of Thutmose II based on the number of preserved objects from his reign.[18]

Catherine Roerig has proposed that tomb KV20, generally believed to have been commissioned by Hatshepsut, was the original tomb of Thutmose II in the Valley of the Kings.[19] If correct, this would be a major project on the part of Thutmose II, which required a construction period of several years and implies a long reign for this king. Secondly, new archaeological work by French Egyptologists at Karnak has produced evidence of a pylon and an opulent festival court of Thutmose II in front of the 4th pylon according to Luc Gabolde.[20] Meanwhile, French Egyptologists at Karnak have also uncovered blocks from a chapel and a barque sanctuary constructed by Thutmose II there.[21] Finally, Zygmunt Wysocki has proposed that the funerary temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari was originally begun as Thutmose II's own mortuary temple. Thutmose III here later replaced depictions of Hatshepsut with those by Thutmose II in those parts of the temple that are proposed to have been executed by the latter king before Hatshepsut took over the temple following Thutmose II's death.[22] Thutmose II also contributed to the decoration of the temple of Khnum at Semna.[23]

A reconsideration of this new archaeological evidence would remove several arguments usually advanced in support of a short reign: namely the absence of a tomb that can be assigned to Thutmose II, the absence of a funerary temple and the lack of any major works undertaken by this pharaoh.[24] Thutmose II's Karnak building projects would also imply that his reign was closer to 13 years rather than just 3 years.

Military Campaigns


The Nubian Rebellion


In Year 1, the Coronation of Thutmose triggered Kush to rebell, as it had the habit of doing upon the transition of Egyptian kingship. The Nubian state had been completely subjugated by Thutmose I.[25] Rebels from Khenthennofer rose up, and the Egyptian forces retreated into a fortress built by Thutmose I.[26] On account of his relative youth at the time, Thutmose II dispatched an army into Nubia rather than leading it himself. He seems to have easily crushed this revolt with the aid of his father's military generals.[27] An account of the campaign is given by the historian Josephus who refers to it as the Ethiopic War.

Aswan Stela of Thutmose II summary: Kush started to conspire, making subjects of the Lord of the Two Lands (nb-tawy) to contemplate a revolt. Plundering took place behind the fortification lines built by Thutmose I to hold back revolts from the foreign lands of the tribesmen of Ta-Seti of Khent-hen-nefer. The chief (wr) to the north of Kush had started hostilities, togheter with two tribesmen of Ta-Seti who were the sons of the chief (wr) of Kush. The foreign lands were divided into five parts.

The Shashu Rebellion


In the Sinai, Thutmose II seems to have fought against the Shasu Bedouin in a campaign mentioned by Ahmose Pen-Nekhbet.[16] This campaign has been called a minor raid by some scholars.

There is a fragment recorded by Kurt Sethe that records a campaign in Upper Retenu, or Syria, which appears to have reached as far as a place called Niy where Thutmose I hunted elephants after returning from crossing the Euphrates.[28] This quite possibly indicates that the raid against the Shasu was only fought en route to Syria.[28]


Red granite fragment bearing the cartouche of Thutmose II. Probably from a throne of a seated statue. From Thutmose III Temple at Koptos, Egypt. 18th Dynasty

There are relatively few monuments which refers to Thutmose II. One reason is that his wife and successor Hatsheput placed her name on monuments begun by Thutmose II. Another problem is that Thutmose III later reassigned monuments to Thutmose II.

Aswan Stela


At Aswan, the "Aswan Stela" is dated to Year 1, II Akhet 8 of Thutmose II.[29] The monument is the highest dated attestation of the king. It records a rebellion in Upper Nubia.[30]

Karnak, Gateway


At Karnak, Thutmose II started the construction of a limestone gateway in the forecort in front of the Forth Pylon at the Temple. The monument was not completed until Thutmose III.[31] Under Amenhotep III, the gateway was dismantled and its building blocks became part of the foundation of the Third Pylon.[4]

Deir el-Bahri, Stone Chest


Archaeologists from Warsaw University’s Institute of Archaeology led by Andrzej Niwiński have discovered a treasure chest and a wooden box dated 3,500 years back in the Egyptian site of Deir el-Bahari in March 2020.[32] The stone chest consisted of several items and all of them covered with linen canvas. Three bundles of flax were found during the excavation. A goose skeleton was found inside one of them, sacrificed for religious purposes. The second one included goose eggs. It is believed that what the third bundle contained was an ibis egg which had a symbolic meaning for the ancient Egyptians. In addition, a little wooden trinket box was discovered inside the bundle, believed to contain the name Pharaoh Thutmose II. According to the Andrzej Niwiński, "The chest itself is about 40 cm long, with a slight smaller height. It was perfectly camouflaged, looked like an ordinary stone block. Only after a closer look did it turn out to be a chest."[32]





His tomb is not known for certain. It is speculated that it may have originally been KV42[by whom?]. Another option is tomb C4 at the opposite end of the Theban mountain to the Valley of the kings. The much destroyed tomb dates to the early 18th Dynasty and shows many features typical for a king's burial, such as a blue-painted ceiling with yellow stars, the remains of an Amduat depicted on the walls and inscribed vessels bearing the king's name and Hatshesput's name as his great wife. [33] However, his purported remains were found in the Royal Cache of Mummies at Deir el-Bahari (Theban Necropolis).


The mummified head of Thutmose II

Thutmose II's mummy was discovered in the Deir el-Bahri cache, revealed in 1881. He was interred along with other 18th and 19th dynasty leaders including Ahmose I, Amenhotep I, Thutmose I, Thutmose III, Ramesses I, Seti I, Ramesses II, and Ramesses IX. It included a label that indicated it had been re-wrapped in the Twenty-first Dynasty.[34] It can be viewed today in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo.

The mummy was unwrapped by Gaston Maspero on July 1, 1886. There is a strong familial resemblance to the mummy of Thutmose I, his likely father, as the mummy's face and shape of the head are very similar. The body of Thutmose II suffered greatly at the hands of ancient tomb robbers, with his left arm broken off at the shoulder-joint, the forearm separated at the elbow joint, and his right arm chopped off below the elbow. His anterior abdominal wall and much of his chest had been hacked at, possibly by an axe. In addition, his right leg had been severed from his body.[35] All of these injuries were sustained post-mortem, though the body also showed signs that Thutmose II did not have an easy life, as the following quote by Gaston Maspero attests:

He had scarcely reached the age of thirty when he fell a victim to a disease of which the process of embalming could not remove the traces. The skin is scabrous in patches, and covered with scars, while the upper part of the skull is bald; the body is thin and somewhat shrunken, and appears to have lacked vigour and muscular power.[36]

James Harris and Fawzia Hussien (1991) conducted an X-ray survey on New Kingdom royal mummies and examined the mummified remains of Thutmose II. The results of the study determined that the mummy of Thutmose II had a craniofacial trait measurement that is common among Nubian populations.[37]

His mummy has the inventory number CG 61066.[34] In April 2021 his mummy was moved from the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities to National Museum of Egyptian Civilization along with those of 17 other kings and 4 queens in an event termed the Pharaohs' Golden Parade.[38] The identity of the mummy has been questioned.[34] The re-wrapping label appears to identify him as Thutmose II but it may have been modified from Thutmose I.[34]

See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f Leprohon, Ronald J. (2013). The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary. SBL Press. pp. 97–98. ISBN 978-1-58983-736-2. Retrieved 10 December 2021.
  2. ^ Dodson & Hilton 2004: 126, 131
  3. ^ Betsy Bryan (2000). "The 18th Dynasty before the Amarna Period". The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford University Press. p. 236.
  4. ^ a b c Betsy Bryan, p. 236
  5. ^ J. Von Beckerath (1997). Chronologie des Pharaonischen Ägypten, Münchner Ägyptologische Studien 46. Mainz: Philip von Zabern. p. 201.
  6. ^ a b Grimal, Nicolas (1988). A History of Ancient Egypt. Librairie Arthéme Fayard. p. 204.
  7. ^ Helk, Wolfgang. Schwachstellen der Chronologie-Diskussion. pp. 47–49. Göttinger Miszellen, Göttingen, 1983
  8. ^ Shaw, Ian; Nicholson, Paul (1995). The Dictionary of Ancient Egypt. The British Museum Press. p. 289.
  9. ^ a b Breasted, James Henry (1906). Ancient Records of Egypt, Vol. II. University of Chicago Press. p. 47.
  10. ^ Grimal, Nicolas. A History of Ancient Egypt. Librairie Arthéme Fayard, 1988. p. 216.
  11. ^ Betsy Bryan, pp. 235–236
  12. ^ Gabolde, Luc (1987). "La Chronologie du règne de Thoutmosis II, ses conséquences sur la datation des momies royales et leurs répercutions sur l'histoire du développement de la Vallée des Rois". Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur. 14: 61–87.
  13. ^ Gabolde, Luc (1987). "La Chronologie du règne de Thoutmosis II, ses conséquences sur la datation des momies royales et leurs répercutions sur l'histoire du développement de la Vallée des Rois". Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur. 14: 67–68.
  14. ^ J. Von Beckerath, "Chronologie des Pharaonischen Ägypten", Münchner Ägyptologische Studien 46 (Philip von Zabern, Mainz: 1997)
  15. ^ G. Daressy, Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 1, 1900, 90(20)
  16. ^ a b Gardiner, Alan. Egypt of the Pharaohs. p. 180 Oxford University Press, 1964
  17. ^ J. Von Beckerath, "Chronologie des Pharaonischen Ägypten", Münchner Ägyptologische Studien 46 (Philip von Zabern, Mainz: 1997), p. 121
  18. ^ J. von Beckerath, "Nochmals zur Regierung Tuthmosis' II", Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 17 (1990), pp. 65–74
  19. ^ C. Roerig, "The Building Activities of Thutmose III in the Valley of the Kings", in E.C. Cline, D. O'Connor (eds.), Thutmose III: A New Biography, Ann Arbor 2006, pp. 238–259
  20. ^ Luc Gabolde, "La 'cour de fetes' de Thoutmosis II à Karnak", Cahiers de Karnak 9 (1993), pp. 1–100; Luc Gabolde, "Monuments décorés en bas relief aux noms de Thoutmosis II et Hatshepsout à Karnak", Mémoires publiés par les membres de l'Institut Français d'Archéology Orientale (MIFAO) 123 le Cairo 2005.
  21. ^ Luc Gabolde, Monuments décorés en bas relief aux noms de Thoutmosis II et Hatshepsout à Karnak, Mémoires publiés par les membres de l'Institut Français d'Archéology Orientale (MIFAO) 123 le Cairo 2005.
  22. ^ Zygmunt Wysocki, "The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari: Its Original Form", Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 42 (1986), pp. 213–228
  23. ^ W. V. Davies, "Tombos and the Viceroy Inebny/Amenemnekhu", British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and the Sudan 10 (2008), 45f
  24. ^ Thomas Schneider, "Contributions to the Chronology of the New Kingdom and the Third Intermediate Period", Egypt and the Levant 20, 2010. p. 393
  25. ^ Steindorff, George; and Seele, Keith. When Egypt Ruled the East. p. 35. University of Chicago, 1942
  26. ^ Breasted, James Henry. Ancient Records of Egypt, Vol. II p. 49. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1906
  27. ^ Breasted, James Henry. Ancient Records of Egypt, Vol. II p. 50. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1906
  28. ^ a b Breasted, James Henry. Ancient Records of Egypt, Vol. II p. 51. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1906
  29. ^ Gabolde, “La stèle de Thoutmosis II à Assouan,” 133
  30. ^ .Doaa Elkashef and Silvana Diniz (2021) SSome Comments on the Reports of Rebellion to the King in the New Kingdom Military Inscriptions. In Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels-University of Sadat City, Vol. 5, Issue (2/1) https://mfth.journals.ekb.eg/article_263953_f81d8efb21f298ad15d428f122bff53d.pdf
  31. ^ Betsy Bryan, pp. 235–236
  32. ^ a b "Stone chest found in ancient temple and containing skeleton of a sacrificial goose could lead to hidden royal tomb". www.thefirstnews.com. Retrieved 2020-03-13.
  33. ^ Piers Litherland: Has the Tomb of Thutmoses II been found? In: Egyptian Archaeology. 63, Autumn 2023, pp. 28–31.
  34. ^ a b c d Habicht, M.E; Bouwman, A.S; Rühli, F.J (25 January 2016). "Identifications of ancient Egyptian royal mummies from the 18th Dynasty reconsidered". Yearbook of Physical Anthropology. 159 (S61): 216–231. doi:10.1002/ajpa.22909. PMID 26808107.
  35. ^ Smith, G Elliot. The Royal Mummies, pp. 28–29. Duckworth, 2000 (reprint).
  36. ^ Maspero, Gaston. History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 4 (of 12) Project Gutenberg EBook, Release Date: December 16, 2005. EBook #17324.
  37. ^ Harris, James E.; Hussien, Fawzia (September 1991). "The identification of the Eighteenth Dynasty royal mummies; a biological perspective". International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 1 (3–4): 235–239. doi:10.1002/oa.1390010317. ISSN 1047-482X.
  38. ^ Parisse, Emmanuel (5 April 2021). "22 Ancient Pharaohs Have Been Carried Across Cairo in an Epic 'Golden Parade'". ScienceAlert. Retrieved 5 April 2021.

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